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In this 3 minute video:
what committed and successful clients have to say about why working with ThinkThroughTools worked. + One Module segment from Flight Request Stimulator on-line
Shape your future
Earn the Healthcare Outreach Practitioner Level I Credential
THE BOOK OF OUTREACH FOR HEALTHCARE; How to Understand & Astonish the Right Customers Consistently
Enter your e-mail address to earn a "First Release Notice" special pricing code (and, get the book before your competitors - or better yet, your boss.)
we will help you
With the Six-Stage Outreach Sequence
Have you fully systematized your six-stage Outreach sequence to increase the selectivity and volume of your medically necessary and appropriate flights? Do you have each of the six Outreach stages operating at high performance levels? We can help you - if you truly desire to be helped and are willing to commit to the work required. We've done it time and time again for more than 26 years. The six-stage Outreach sequence works, if it is applied correctly and relentlessly.
WHY choose us
Our Outreach Competencies
Outreach Operating Systems Architecture
To effectively and consistently stimulate sufficient flight requests there are 10 Essential Outreach Operating System Elements required. We invented the architecture for Air Medical Transport. It works.
Flight Request Stimulator / Outreach Training
We offer CIL (Continuous Impact Learning) that synchronizes on-line and place-based OutreachU and Flight Request Stimulator training for employees in every function. This is necessary for your success. It works.
Outreach Mentoring & Advising Wisdom
With our lead Outreach advisors and educators having been involved in Air Medical Transport, EMS and hospital systems for more than 46 years (each) throughout our nation and abroad, we have the wisdom and experience to advise, mentor, problem-solve and innovate. It works.
ThinkThroughTools, LLC & OutreachU, ltd. Launch 2025 HEALTHCARE OUTREACH PRACTITIONER ™ On-Line Learning Course & Credential
The Healthcare Outreach Practitioner Level I ™ (HOP I ™) credential is being launched at CareFlite based in Irving, Texas following more than a year's training with the CareFlite Outreach Lead Team (COLT).
Candidates aspiring to earn the HOP I ™ credential are now in the final review phase of the seven core principles of OutreachU ™ on-line course. They will enter the examination phase the last week of January 2025.
The conferring of the credential for those that earn a 100% score will be 27th February 2025. This will be the first cohort in the USA.
There are four levels of competency to this credential. These correspond with Bloom’s Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domains
Healthcare Outreach Practitioner LEVEL I ™ (HOP I ™)Earning this credential requires evidence at the basic level; proof of knowledge and understanding of the core seven principles of OutreachU. The individual has passed the 70 question Level I exam achieving a 100% score and has demonstrated understanding of the basic level doctrine.
Healthcare Outreach Practitioner LEVEL II ™ (HOP II ™)This credential includes Level I and also evidence that the individual can correctly and consistently EXECUTE and APPLY all seven core OutreachU principles. LEVEL II is the most impactful and difficult to earn credential as it verifies empirically the ability to put OutreachU principles, methods and tactics in consistent and correct action.
Individuals are observed, their Salesforce documentation consistency and accuracy is evaluated (AI assisted) and they are scrutinized intensely for empirical proof of their commitment to proper and relentless execution on the 7 core OutreachU doctrine.A large portion of data evaluated for this credential is accountability-based.
Confidential assessments are provided to OutreachU, ltd. by the candidate's HOP Level I peers, the candidate's customers, and the candidate's immediate supervisors.
Healthcare Outreach Practitioner LEVEL III ™ (HOP III ™)This credential includes Level I and Level II and also provides evidence that the individual can correctly and consistently instruct and mentor all seven core OutreachU principles.
Healthcare Outreach Practitioner LEVEL IV ™ (HOP IV ™)This credential includes Levels I, II and III and provides evidence that the individual can correctly and consistently instruct and mentor individuals to earn the Level III credential. Often referred to as a "Train the Trainer" course.
Healthcare Outreach Practitioner LEVEL II ™ (HOP II ™)This credential includes Level I and also evidence that the individual can correctly and consistently EXECUTE and APPLY all seven core OutreachU principles. LEVEL II is the most impactful and difficult to earn credential as it verifies empirically the ability to put OutreachU principles, methods and tactics in consistent and correct action.
Individuals are observed, their Salesforce documentation consistency and accuracy is evaluated (AI assisted) and they are scrutinized intensely for empirical proof of their commitment to proper and relentless execution on the 7 core OutreachU doctrine.A large portion of data evaluated for this credential is accountability-based.
Confidential assessments are provided to OutreachU, ltd. by the candidate's HOP Level I peers, the candidate's customers, and the candidate's immediate supervisors.
Healthcare Outreach Practitioner LEVEL III ™ (HOP III ™)This credential includes Level I and Level II and also provides evidence that the individual can correctly and consistently instruct and mentor all seven core OutreachU principles.
Healthcare Outreach Practitioner LEVEL IV ™ (HOP IV ™)This credential includes Levels I, II and III and provides evidence that the individual can correctly and consistently instruct and mentor individuals to earn the Level III credential. Often referred to as a "Train the Trainer" course.
Sign up for 2025 Healthcare Outreach Practitioner ™ Course to Earn the HOP Level I ™ Credential
IT'S ALIVE. If you crave a professional credential to verify your knowledge and understanding of the Seven Core Principles of OutreachU™ , sign up today to learn more.
need outreach help TO EARN & STIMULATE more flight requests ?
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It's okay to make a phone call. We actually enjoy real-time human voice to human voice interaction.
Your work matters!
Always know – each day – each moment – you are engaged in a noble endeavor. What you do matters. You positively impact lives and dreams more than you will ever know. So – especially on the days in which you may be low on energy or pondering if your efforts are worth it… read this message – take it to heart – and keep the beat.
You are vital to our world. You matter! You matter! You matter!
The story behind the use of this Voltaire quote: In 1983, Rich Obertots, one of ThinkThroughTools co-founders was a novice EMT working at a large ambulance service during his undergraduate studies. Affixed to the door of a locker in his crew quarters - he discovered the quote hand-written. He copied it to keep with him and to inspire and remind himself – no matter how bad things got – or how weary he became - there was purpose to his efforts. To this day – it serves him, and he hopes it will serve you and those with whom it you may share.
The story behind the use of this Voltaire quote: In 1983, Rich Obertots, one of ThinkThroughTools co-founders was a novice EMT working at a large ambulance service during his undergraduate studies. Affixed to the door of a locker in his crew quarters - he discovered the quote hand-written. He copied it to keep with him and to inspire and remind himself – no matter how bad things got – or how weary he became - there was purpose to his efforts. To this day – it serves him, and he hopes it will serve you and those with whom it you may share.
The Dysrhythmics World Tour
The co-founders of ThinkThroughTools, Rich Obertots and John Chamberlin began working together in 1983 when they formed the medical musical comedy, drama and educating group, The Dysrhythmics. They performed concerts throughout the USA and Australia and conducted "Seminars with Songs" to inform and inspire healthcare professionals. To learn more about this "division" of ThinkThroughTools go to The Dysrhythmics
FIRST PRINCIPLES First Principles is a concept often used in philosophy, science, and problem-solving. It refers to breaking down complex ideas or systems into their most basic, foundational truths and then reasoning up from there to build new knowledge or solve problems. The idea is commonly attributed to Aristotle, who described first principles as the "first basis from which a thing is known."
Key Aspects of First Principles:1. Fundamental Building Blocks:o These are the most basic assumptions or facts that cannot be deduced from any other premise.o Everything else in the system is built upon these foundational truths.2. Reductionist Approach:o To apply first principles thinking, a problem or concept is deconstructed into its simplest components, stripping away assumptions, analogies, or inherited ways of thinking.3. Innovative Applications:o By understanding and rethinking from the ground up, first principles allow individuals to innovate rather than rely on traditional methods or "best practices."Examples of First Principles Thinking:1. Elon Musk:o Musk uses this approach in business and technology. For instance, in developing SpaceX rockets, he analyzed the raw materials needed to build rockets instead of buying pre-made systems, drastically reducing costs.2. Scientific Method:o In science, the method starts with self-evident truths or experimentally proven axioms (e.g., laws of physics).3. Philosophy and Logic:o René Descartes' famous statement, "I think, therefore I am," is an example of deducing knowledge from an undeniable first principle.Benefits of First Principles Thinking:• Encourages creativity and innovation by bypassing traditional constraints.• Helps solve complex problems by addressing root causes rather than symptoms.• Facilitates better decision-making by grounding strategies in fundamental truths.Steps to Apply First Principles:1. Identify the Problem:o Clearly define what you are trying to understand or solve.2. Deconstruct Assumptions:o Question everything and break the problem into its most basic elements.3. Build New Solutions:o Use the foundational truths to create or reassemble innovative solutions.This approach can be transformative in fields ranging from engineering, entrepreneurship, and Outreach to personal problem-solving and learning.
Key Aspects of First Principles:1. Fundamental Building Blocks:o These are the most basic assumptions or facts that cannot be deduced from any other premise.o Everything else in the system is built upon these foundational truths.2. Reductionist Approach:o To apply first principles thinking, a problem or concept is deconstructed into its simplest components, stripping away assumptions, analogies, or inherited ways of thinking.3. Innovative Applications:o By understanding and rethinking from the ground up, first principles allow individuals to innovate rather than rely on traditional methods or "best practices."Examples of First Principles Thinking:1. Elon Musk:o Musk uses this approach in business and technology. For instance, in developing SpaceX rockets, he analyzed the raw materials needed to build rockets instead of buying pre-made systems, drastically reducing costs.2. Scientific Method:o In science, the method starts with self-evident truths or experimentally proven axioms (e.g., laws of physics).3. Philosophy and Logic:o René Descartes' famous statement, "I think, therefore I am," is an example of deducing knowledge from an undeniable first principle.Benefits of First Principles Thinking:• Encourages creativity and innovation by bypassing traditional constraints.• Helps solve complex problems by addressing root causes rather than symptoms.• Facilitates better decision-making by grounding strategies in fundamental truths.Steps to Apply First Principles:1. Identify the Problem:o Clearly define what you are trying to understand or solve.2. Deconstruct Assumptions:o Question everything and break the problem into its most basic elements.3. Build New Solutions:o Use the foundational truths to create or reassemble innovative solutions.This approach can be transformative in fields ranging from engineering, entrepreneurship, and Outreach to personal problem-solving and learning.
Rich Obertots articles in Healthcare Business Today
Do You Know the Difference ?
The 3'rd Rule of Outreach
From Rich's: The Book of Outreach for Healthcare; The 3'rd Rule
(Text Book & ThinkThroughTools Thinkfic Courses Available Early 2025)
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